The ultimate lesson all of us have to learn is unconditional love, which includes not only others but ourselves as well.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


13 Comments CherryPie on Jun 8th 2014

13 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Sean Jeating says:

    The Andrew in me does let me think that if I had to take a(n ultimate) lesson first, my love would not be unconditional.
    For an psychiatrist a nice try, anyway.

  2. It’s not a lesson I’ll ever learn.

    • CherryPie says:

      ‘Ever’ is a long time…

      • “Ever is a long time”…

        But not for me Cherie, I’ll be gone soon, for ever…

        And those who speak of “unconditional love” should imagine their child (the most common presumed recipients of “unconditional love”), then imagine them becoming the leader of a nation and initiating a program of extermination of millions of people based on those people’s ancestry alone… (sounds familiar?). Unconditional love? I don’t think so.

  3. Live and let live :)

  4. ubermouth says:

    And animals. We, as a society, must learn to love and protect from harm ALL animals.

    Great Thought For The Day!

    And loved the heart!

    • Need to stop eating them then?

      And stop keeping pet cats because they eat mice and birds…

      And stop encouraging owls and eagles and kestrels because they eat mice and birds…

      And stop… well… try to stop Nature from operating life on Earth entirely because it is all sustained by animals eating animals?

      A few big bangs all over the globe would stop much future suffering…

      I find almost all simple sounding sentiments very unconvincing. Think I’ll just shut up about Thought For The Day now though. I clearly have very different thoughts, usually.