The Grand Cascade Blenheim

Designed by ‘Capability’ Brown in the 1760s, the Grand Cascade at the western end of the lake is one of England’s most picturesque waterfalls. Here the Glyme plunges dramatically from the lake and the slowly winds south-westwards under the ‘New’ Bridge designed by Sir William Chambers, eventually joining the River Evenlode, a tributary of the Thames.*

The Grand Cascade Blenheim

The Grand Cascade Blenheim

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to appreciate the cascade and bridge from all angles due to extended ‘Selfie taking’ on the bridge…

*From the Blenheim Palace guidebook printed 2014

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 15th 2015

6 Responses to “Blenheim Palace – The Grand Cascade”

  1. What a beautiful wild looking place

  2. Amfortas says:

    Cherie, you are a tease ! :)

  3. Ayush says:

    next ttime you can perhaps sneak up and photobomb the mentioned people ;) i like the massive stone blocks around the falls