Bird Song :-)

I am the song

I am the song that sings the bird.
I am the leaf that grows the land.
I am the tide that moves the moon.
I am the stream that halts the sand.
I am the cloud that drives the storm.
I am the earth that lights the sun.
I am the fire that strikes the stone.
I am the clay that shapes the hand.
I am the word that speaks the man.

Charles Causley

14 Comments CherryPie on Jul 26th 2015

14 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Ginnie says:

    Oh, WOW. Sometimes thinking topsy-turvy really makes you think!

  2. That’s several thoughts – all of them arresting! Love the picture.

  3. Mark in Mayenne says:

    I couldn’t help noticing that this poem doesn’t translate into French. One would have to choose between “qui” and “que” for “that”, which destroys the point.

  4. Fascinating thoughts here this week….love thought provoking verse.

  5. lisl says:

    And I like your accompanying picture with the little chaffinch, Cherie

  6. Bernard says:

    This sort of writing goes way above my head.
    Sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t understand it.
    Now this – I do understand, and I never tire of listening to the songs of Paul Simon.
    “If I never loved I never would have cried.
    I am a rock,
    I am an island.”
    “And a rock feels no pain;
    And an island never cries.”
    Keep your ‘thoughts’ coming Cherie – always worth a read. ;-)

  7. Bernard says:

    Reading the comments above mine, makes me the odd man out I guess?
    But, there is always that story about the little boy and the Emperor’s lack of clothes. :-o