Cake Doesn't Ask Questions

As we were leaving our house this morning I noticed one of the neighbours and a young girl at the end of their drive writing on a flip chart and I wondered what they were up to. As we drove past, we noticed a table with cakes that appeared to be for sale. By now a couple more children had arrived and they all waved at us. We paused at the end of our road and decided to drive round the block to enjoy a bit of neighbourly fun. We purchased three cakes because we were on our way to pick up my mum for bit of curtain shopping. As we were doing this, some homemade lemonade arrived. It looked rather delicious but I didn’t think three cups of lemonade would travel as well as the cakes.

The Boathouse Ellesmere

When we arrived at mum’s house, Mr C informed her that he had a surprise for her. After she got in the car, we ate the cakes and then made our way to the curtain shop. Mum purchased her curtain material whilst Mr C and I checked up on the fitting date for our new curtain rail.

Next, we drove to Ellesmere in order to have lunch. I chose an egg salad sandwich and old fashioned lemonade to make up for missing out on it earlier. The first drink however had to go back because when I poured it into the glass some rather strange brown bits fizzed to the top of the drink!


After lunch, we watched the swans on the lake for a short while before returning home via the Battlefield farm shop near Shrewsbury. We bought fresh meat and vegetables and mum tried to tempt me to buy some chocolate that was on the counter. I told her you could only have one naughty thing a day unless you count wine with dinner (it is Saturday ;-) ).  As I said this I turned round and noticed a stand with fridge magnets including one that made my laugh after my comment to mum.

A Balanced Diet

I think someone is trying to tell me something!! What do you think?

25 Comments CherryPie on Aug 1st 2015

25 Responses to “Cupcakes and Lemonade”

  1. Alan says:

    Hahahah!! Good for you! Everything in moderation, I say. When I do go out for the day, though, I do allow myself a little treat (or two). I have to get a good walk in, though, to justify it. Love the magnet :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I quite agree, everything in moderation and we can’t go far wrong. A good long walk burns off the calories to allow for a naughty treat :-)

  2. james higham says:

    How many fridge magnets have you now?

    • CherryPie says:

      Not many I like my fridge to appear nude ;-)

      But earlier this year I placed a single one on there in relation to a project I am undertaking and the ‘balanced diet’ fridge magnate was placed just above that one.

      So in answer to your question… There are only two on my fridge ;-)

  3. Love it! I think beer understands too…

  4. Love it! I would like to borrow the little homily at the start of your post; I think beer understands too!

  5. ubermouth says:

    I would be afraid to eat the neighbour’s cakes for fear of being poisoned. You never know,they could be loons. Someone once sent me a card off the internet and I covered my mouth before opening cuz she seemed the type who’d send anthrax. :)

    • CherryPie says:

      I live in a nice neighbourhood :-)

      Do you wonder about the people at the greengrocers in case the have contaminated the food with poison?

      Just asking ;-)

      • ubermouth says:

        Nutters come from good areas too,Cherie lol. :)

        I eat a vegan diet so it is mainly vegetables(which I do think about dirty hands touching before mine, so wash thoroughly) and legumes etc which I create meals out of myself that no one else touches( or breathes on) but me. I eat very little processed food.

        When I was a kid I would not eat or drink anything until My mother had confirmed how long it had been in the fridge,if she thought it was still okay to eat/drink and if she thought I would die if I ate/drank it,and then to be sure, I would make her taste it(like a royal taster) just to be sure. :) ( The downside of such germaphobia was that I could not eat or drink anything if she was not home :) )

        Although, I am not hat bad, I do not like people touching my food and would never eat anything made by someone I did not know.

        • ubermouth says:

          LOL I just re-read your comment and mine( and realize I sound crazy lol). I don’t think people are ‘out to poison me’ lol ,but here in N America you do get loons poisoning prepackaged baby food, pain pills etc., So there is no way I would trust some random,unknown person to touch anything I may eat or drink ,not so much because of poison( a consideration),mainly because of questionable food hygiene practices. :)

  6. ubermouth says:

    I meant, I covered my nose and mouth. Luckily, there was no anthrax. :)

    ( Not that I am paranoid,just cautious).

  7. lisl says:

    What a lovely thought – “Cake Understands”!

  8. To eat or not to eat, that’s the question. ;)

  9. Always buy two identical cakes, so that you can have your cake and eat it.

  10. Astrid says:

    This sounds like a very wonderful day, cakes, a happy mom, new drapes and a nice magnet for the fridge. LOVE the balanced diet drawing and it is the truth…
    Ginnie and I we love food but we do not abuse it…
    Have a wonderful day.