Owing to the ransackings by Protestant iconoclasts in 1579 and thefts by French Revolutionists in 1793, the interior of the cathedral is far less rich than it was in medieval times. It nonetheless contains some fine stained glass, such as the Last Judgement Window, dating from 1528, on the west front of the cathedral, facing the altar.*
Also of particular interest is the beautiful and original Grenzing organ.*
The flamboyantly carved Baroque Pulpit in the central aisle depicts Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Paradise. This pulpit, by the Antwerp-born sculptor Hendrik Verbruggen, was built in 1699, although it was not installed till 1776.*
*From The Belgium & Luxembourg Eyewitness Travel Guide.
The organ and its placing look quite unusual and interesting, very untypical. What a great idea!
It is rather different. The Cathedral was very interesting to visit.
What a wonderful Cathedral. What an amazing art inside and such a beauty.
Congratulations on your Queen, to be the longest reigning person in a country. She must have good genes, her mom also was very old. In the Netherlands we often say, poor Charles, all around him the young princes become King…and he stays with his Camilla……
Charles certainly won’t get the chance to reign as long is Queen Elizabeth.
One can’t conceive of something like that being built today.
Today’s constructions tend to be rather more modern in design.
great shot of the pulpit. it probably looks a bit more massive than it is owing to the dark tones (i.m.o).
It is quite a large carving and typical styling of the region.
An fascinating stained glass window. Truly amazing.
I thought so too