There are many going afar to marvel at the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the long courses of great rivers, the vastness of the ocean, the movements of the stars, yet they leave themselves unnoticed!
Saint Augustine
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
« Piran & Ljubljana – Day One Piran & Ljubljana – Day Two »
Filed under Faith Foundations, Holidays, Piran & Ljubljana 2015
There are many going afar to marvel at the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the long courses of great rivers, the vastness of the ocean, the movements of the stars, yet they leave themselves unnoticed!
Saint Augustine
Tags: Adriatic, Cherie's Place Thought, Ocean, Piran, Sea, Slovenia, Vacation
11 Comments CherryPie on Sep 27th 2015
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Ain’t it da trut – but some people I know can examine both equally well
Reminds me of a similar quote someone once requoted, they had attributed to Aristotle, but I can’t verify that. Regardless, it goes: “To seek out the motivations of others is a waste of time and energy, to seek out our own is a voyage of discovery.”
(If anyone knows who actually said that, if anyone besides the person who requoted it to me, let me know).
Regardless, I wish I’d heard it before I gave all my money to majoring in Social Work without investing in my own therapy first
PS – I forgot how the “Thought for the Week” often takes different people down different paths of thought, so I thought I should clarify. By “some people I know can examine both equally well” I meant you, Cherie, in that you have a very good examining eye, giving a very fair and balanced interpretation of what you see in the world around you and your place within it
I don’t recall the Aristotle quote so I am not able to confirm if it is his or not.
I try my best to be balanced
However… there are many who do notice and observe themselves too much
I wonder if they are happy with their observations…
PERFECT quote and image juxtaposition, Cherry.
Thanks Ginnie, I am glad you like it
The sea looks fine. When Augustine looked at himself he found himself less fine. But he worked on making himself fit for God to look upon him.
The Adriatic is crystal clear and beautiful
Augustine underwent a bit of a journey and subsequently changed his ways.
Hello CherryPie,
As you know I just love your ‘thought for the week’, and enjoy reading what others say and of course your replies. Here I am lost for words, except to say – we do not have to go far – for mountains, high seas etc. etc. They are all here in our wonderful island, just waiting to be found. I shall seek them out.
As for me, I feel I have been ‘unnoticed’ for seventy odd years, but -
‘A wise old owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard.
Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?’
Did I tell you that I now have a new Motorhome? And that I have been off this year on my travels around our beautiful little country. The Wrekin beckons. Watch out.
Yes our mountains and beauty are so close waiting to be found if only we would look
I didn’t know you had a new Motorhome…
Be sure to tell me if you if the Wrekin lures you closer. I would love to share (and show you) some of our local sights