Finely Illustrated

On our visit to the Bishop’s Palace I particularly enjoyed the temporary exhibition entitled ‘The Ornate & The Beautiful‘. The exhibition displays the extraordinary craftsmanship of the textile industry from the 14th century to the present day and includes some of the most beautiful and rare vestments and ecclesiastical textiles from around the country. The exhibition includes items that have not been on public display since 1930.

Over the next few days I will share some of the items displayed in the exhibition.

The photo in today’s post shows a book dated 1860; Die Kleinodien des Heiligen Romischen Reichs Deutscher Nation by Franz Johann Joseph Bock:

This enormous volume contains 58 chromolithographic plates, which illustrate regalia of the Holy Roman Empire; primarily kept at the Schatzkammer at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. Highlights of the volume include the Crown of Charlemagne, the Imperial Gloves and the Sword of St Maurice, all vividly depicted in colour and gold.

The author was a medieval art and fabric historian, who, upon discovering vestments made of fine and beautiful fabrics during his research, would cut them into fragments and sell them to museums, earning himself the nickname ‘Scissor Bock’. *

*From an information board next to the book

4 Comments CherryPie on Aug 13th 2016

4 Responses to “The Ornate & The Beautiful”

  1. ....peter:) says:

    i like the way that you framed this book and the objects in the cases behind them Cherie… i’m surprised that they allow photographs of the exhibition….peter:)

    • CherryPie says:

      Photographs are often allowed (without flash) unless the exhibit is a private collection.

      I enjoyed being allowed to take photos of this exhibition :-)

  2. How come such important item is not kept at the British Museum for more people to enjoy? ;)