



22 Comments CherryPie on Feb 1st 2017

22 Responses to “Walled Garden – Wallington”

  1. So many colourful flowers in the glasshouse!
    Did you see any bougainvillea there?

  2. The Yum List says:

    Lovely. It looks so peaceful.

  3. Sigrun says:

    Thank you! When we visited Wallington, we only sea the house from inside, no time for the garden. The way to Scotland is so long … :)


    • CherryPie says:

      The woodland walk and garden are well worth a visit.

      On this occasion the garden was in the process of being renovated, the wall statues had been removed and there was scaffolding around the glasshouse.

  4. lisl says:

    You seem to have caught it on a pleasantly quiet day, Cherie

  5. shabana says:

    these lovely benches over there invite one to come,sit and relax .
    very calm and lovely garden dear friend!
    you live in a wonderful land !

  6. Alan says:

    It is very pretty. I like the pond with the little run off from it.

  7. Beautiful – its looks so peaceful and relaxing. You do find such lovely places to visit :)

  8. ....peter:) says:

    delicate beauty Cherie… i love the reflection pools….peter:)

  9. Ginnie says:

    You know I’m gonna say it: Leave it to the English! :)

  10. Diane says:

    Delightful pictures of the walled garden.
    Since reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett,
    I have often dreamed of having a walled garden, but sadly not
    to be.
    However we do have a garden surrounded by a 7ft green beech
    hedge which makes it a rather private place ,only it hasn’t got
    a secret door!hey Ho!…
    Ce’st la vie !
    Regards Di,xx

  11. Astrid says:

    I would not mind sitting here and just enjoy…..