The Weight of our Sins

“In this moment, as they stop for breath before staggering on with their burden of the cross, we are given an opening to relate to this group of deserted children.”

Josefina de Vasconcellos, sculptor

The artist represents each child to symbolise a crime against children in the world today: AIDS, drugs, genocide, abuse, landmines, homelessness, infant mortality, lack of education. She had a great heart for the needs of disadvantaged children and helped them in many practical ways.

Information taken from a signboard next to the sculpture.

6 Comments CherryPie on May 8th 2017

6 Responses to “The Weight of our Sins”

  1. The Yum List says:

    What a powerful piece.

  2. james higham says:

    Got me thinking now – I could have sworn I saw this yesterday on Twitter, maybe not.

    • CherryPie says:

      You probably did. I use to automatically post my blog posts on to twitter. The content of my Tweet is always the first photo which means my Twitter feed has now become visual rather than verby.

  3. Must be very heavy for these poor kids!