After I walked home from town yesterday I cleared most of the snow off my car and this morning’s sunshine cleared the few remaining bits of snow and ice. The sun also warmed the ground enough to clear most of the snow off my driveway. The road however was still a little dodgy.
Early this evening rain fell heavily followed by silence and an ominous glow in the sky. On closer inspection the rain had turned to heavy falling snow which lasted for about an hour. Now my car is once again covered with snow!
On a brighter note the postman came for the first time since Friday, delivering a bumper pack of mail which, was mostly but not exclusively Christmas cards. Some of the schools and National Trust properties have been able to reopen but the bin men still haven’t quite made it to empty the bins. Maybe tomorrow…
i quite these shots of the snow in the warm light, CP. and i am also left with the impression that it is the dead of the night.
I took the photo mid evening
They say when snow remains on the ground, it is waiting for more, Cherie
It has turned to rain for now and some of the side roads are icy.
Oh goodness, I just can’t imagine living in that much snow!
We used to have snow even deeper than this during our winters.
Let’s hope it’s going to be white this Christmas.
It would be nice, as long as there isn’t too much
Bin Men and postman haven’t been here either! although most schools are now re-open. Milder weather now means most of the snow has thawed.
The bin men turned up today.
hhaah!! You won’t get your bins empty now until June at the earliest. Its funny how people often can’t get to work because of the snow yet somehow seem to be able to get to a hill for some sledging. The fact that the postman can’t get through would be a bonus for me; a good reason not to send cards
(Well, I don’t anyway expect for a few special ones; my money goes directly to a charity).
We always make our own cards so that means it is more enjoyable sending them and I know people like to receive them because they are home made.
We had one beautiful snow, Cherry, this past weekend, which started from Tuesday on and is now all gone. We haven’t yet had the “second blessing.”
Our snow is still lingering places and some of the side roads are not so good
oh this is quite a rude of snow to cover your car again dear Cherie but what to do with weather;s nasty behaviour
i am glad that you received cards hope it made your day brighter
HaHa yes I wasn’t too impressed at having to clear my car again
I does look pretty from the safety of my own home or wrapped up well for a walk after it stops snowing.
One benefit. It is beautiful. Another? It is memorable. Remember my dear, “and it came to pass”. In this case, eventually turn to slush and wash away to flood somewhere. I hope you are on a hill and not in a dip.
Oh yes it is beautiful. I also miss the frosty mornings that we used to get. The last one of those I can recall was in 2010.
We do live on a hill, sometimes when we have heavy rain it flows down the road like a river. Thankfully it doesn’t flood anywhere. The estate is a little difficult to navigate when the snow has turned to ice as all the exits are on a slope to one degree or another.
i’m glad that you have received at least some snow… rude is what we call our three feet of snow up here Cherie… but the roads are kept in good shape all winter long….peter:)
Ah yes but this is England and we haven’t had snow like this for a long time so our resources are not geared up to dealing with.
I remember the days that we had three feet of snow but that was a long long time ago!
SNOW SNOW…. I think I am one of a few people that LOVE SNOW…. and I have to admit that I have snow-tires each year and it is FUN…. the first year I had them and it snowed and being the first one at work at 6AM I had so much fun on the parking lot trying to get my car in a spin….
I know for some it is a nuisance and don’t get me wrong I hate the accidents. AND I am waiting for FROST without snow, otherwise we cannot skate the canals, if ever that might happen again.
I like the snow too as long as I don’t have to go out my car. I like to go for a walk in the snow when the blizzard has died down.
Snow’s great as long as you don’t have to be anywhere else – though I do get the impression that some of the recent school closures etc were a little unnecessary.
Perhaps not in our area the roads weren’t that good and I don’t blame the bin men for not coming the estate road was icy and they would have struggled with the bins.