14 Comments CherryPie on Mar 18th 2018
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
« The Beast from the East Returns! Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week »
14 Comments CherryPie on Mar 18th 2018
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He he… The Mini Beast is actually not so mini. ;p
It was more midi than mini
It’s got silly now. I want Spring back!
I too am looking forward to a more constant sign of spring!
Brrr!! That first shot with the light is a winner! You should enter in an online competition. It’s a great capture.
Thank you:-) I was trying very hard to get an angle where I didn’t show too much of my neighbours properties.
You got far moer snow than we did, Cherry. Last Saturday we only had a dusting but now the wind is still freezing cold…..
It has all thawed out now. When the sun is out it is lovely and warm but when the sun hides its face it is rather chilly!
Well nobody likes a clever Dick, but I did warn you all !
Starting to suffer from the effects of confinement I ventured forth yesterday into TBFTE 2, I left the house dressed like Nanuke of the North with those immortal words to the wife “I might be awhile”, the cutting wind and the tundra like appearance of the park was not helped by me being the only idiot to have braved the elements, with the wind behind the return trip was quicker, a lot quicker.
Today still freezing and the wind is much the same, but we have sun, is there hope yet ! not much I fear.
For now it has thawed out here but what can you tell me about the Mini Beast returning at Easter?
Lovely! It’s such a shame that the country now gives up at the first sign of a snowflake, though.
We aren’t geared up to it in quite the same way as we used to be.
Oh that is quite snowy!
Luckily it didn’t last long although it was pretty at the time.