After many sunny April days the sun was tired and put its hat in a box to recharge its batteries.
This meant that the ‘Boris’ walkers rather than regular dog walkers and walkers stopped at home giving me a window of opportunity to venture out on a much missed local walk.
The pathways were back to how I love them, apart from one occasion when a runner was charging (huffing and puffing) towards me with no care for anyone but themselves. No slowing down or moving to one side to let me pass by. I had to step around off the pathway to accommodate the runner.
I walked along my special off route path to see the Wisteria and Laburnum arches sprouting their blooms. And in that place where I have a special bench I was amazed to see that the lime tree (I think it is a Lime) was now in full leaf as were the pollarded limes that surround the trees location. I didn’t linger there as I normally would.
It was lovely to walk along my local pathways again. I have come up with a potential route, avoiding the ‘Boris Walker’ crowds to visit my local woodland area.
I have seen gorgeous arches like that to hold up vines etc in the UK, but rarely in Australia. Do shops sell them pre-assembled or do I need to get a metal worker to design one specially for me?
I know we can get wooden arches pre-assembled but I am not sure about these metal ones.
I suspect there is a company that supplies them.
I’m stealing your wisteria archway photo for my screensaver again – to be replaced by another when it’s in full bloom?
Thank you for being the considerate person of other people’s health that I know you are. I wish everyone was that way.
Love you xo
It will only be replaced with full bloom if I can walk there safely
I am considerate of other people’s health, it annoys me when others do not have the same respect.
But then I guess some people just don’t understand how this type of virus works.
I’m wishful thinking for the future on the blooms
I’m afraid people in both our countries suffer from a false sense of invincibility, sometimes. I’m thankful there are at least some of us who still live in reality
I think sometimes people mistake the ability to find the beauty in life despite dark times as being ignorant of reality and darkness, intentionally or otherwise.
This post proves what I know to be the actual truth about people with that rare ability. You’re very aware of reality and the darkness, it’s just you prefer to find a path around it and despite it
I’m not much of a believer in astrology, except the basic personality traits do seem to fit, I guess.
I’m of course a fire sign, which is a blessing and a curse lol.
You, on the other hand, are a water, sign I believe?
Forgive me if I’m mistaken on that – your personality still reminds me of a water personality – water can quietly adapt, find a way above, around, and through obstacles – and it can also be powerful force of nature when we least expect it
My approach is that you have to focus on the light to stop the darkness taking over. When there is darkness try to hold it at bay. Sometimes this is difficult!
With regard to Covid-19 I think you will find this interesting
i am amazed by your enchanting surroundings dear Cheri
this is good to be careful and i believe everyone should consider his responsibly for social distancing
i loved the tree you sit under ,never saw such huge lime tree though we been having few in my native home and as well as they were in my grandpa’s and aunts
There are many lovely places near me that I can walk. At the moment they are a bit more difficult to get to with some others not respecting social distancing.
It is a beautiful tree, I loved watching it change throughout the seasons of 2019.