Part of this walk took me along fully urban routes rather than my more normal semi-urban routes. I did not photograph the fully urban areas. I only walked them to get my bearings on how to link local pathways together. My explorations led to a 7 mile walk in the afternoon sunshine.

It was not the best of routes for a ’sit and rest a while’ bench, I had to do a detour to experience that pleasure :-)

Hurley Brook

Hurley Brook

Hurley Brook

Hurley Brook

Hurley Brook

Between the Houses

Silkin Way

Silkin Way

Hurley Brook

Silkin Way

Hurley Brook


6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 15th 2021

6 Responses to “Exploring New Pathways”

  1. lisl says:

    Good to know how your local areas “tie up”, Cherie

    • CherryPie says:

      Over the last few months I have enjoyed exploring the pathways to places on foot rather than traveling to them by car.

      I have found that places are much closer than they seem when travelling by car.

  2. shabana says:

    soul refreshing images dear Cheri :)

    i bet you felt energetic after going through this splendid rout

  3. Seven miles is a long walk, but it seems there was plenty of varied interest to encounter and enjoy.

    • CherryPie says:

      It sounds a long walk but apart from my quest to find a local windmill I was only pottering around my local area.

      The jury is out on whether I completed my quest to find the windmill…