We missed out on a window view for our final breakfast in the hotel. Unexpectedly, breakfast was fully self service rather than waiter service as on previous days. Once again, we lingered a while before loading the car with our luggage and checking out.
On our journey home we stopped off at Bradford to visit the Museum of Science & Media. I was particularly taken with the Belle Vue Studio Exhibition. It shows the social history of the people of Bradford through photo images. The images almost lost, were restored from photographic plates that were found when the former photographic studio was sold. It was the buyer of the building that recognised the significance of the glass plates (that were being disposed of) and asked the seller to stop throwing them out.
The museum has some interactive science galleries. One was about synthesizers and included pieces (with headphones) for how they were used in pop music and for sound effects in Film and TV. Another had an infrared camera and a special effects camera as well as a demonstration of how sound frequency works. At the centre of the interactive science hall was a globe onto which images of the sun and planets were projected and rotated . Other galleries in the museum show the history of cinematography and animation, with video clips from early days to current times. I was also drawn in by the history and nostalgia of film to digital cameras, and as we were about to leave I found a gallery displaying the history of computers and the internet. This had to be explored before we continued on our homeward journey later than we had intended.
On the way home we had a bit of a struggle to pick up ingredients for a semi-fine dining experience at chez nous. We ended up with a Chinese meal deal that included a bottle of wine. When we arrived home I found another birthday card had been delivered and also my book ‘30 days of creativity’ by Johanna Basford that I had hoped would be delivered before we set off on our travels.
sounds like great trip
the media museum sounds really intriguing ,i would love to learn how things advanced gradually .
hope you will like book and hope birthday was fun !
I had a lovely birthday weekend, thank you
I am enjoying the book and a little bit of creativity each day. Today has been the only day when I have not indulged in my 10 minutes of Creativity. I will make up for it tomorrow