The weather was perfect for an afternoon excursion to Beeston Castle. It must be over 20 years since my last visit so most of it was new and surprising to me. The steep arched bridge to the inner keep is my main memory of the castle from my previous visit.
The walk to the inner keep is a steep uphill climb but well worth it for the views that can be seen from there. On a clear day, as today was the Wrekin is visible as are many other distant landmarks.
Whilst in the keep I had a misstep, my foot landed on some dry soil causing me to slide. Rather than slide or fall awkwardly, potentially hurting myself I shifted my balance so that I landed safely on my hands and knees. As I landed there was a loud clunk as my camera (in its case) came in contact with the rocks. I lady quickly rushed to my aid to see if I was alright, followed by a gentleman asking if I needed help to get up. I was grateful to both for caring but a bit bemused by the comment ‘did I need help to get up’. I thanked them both and quickly moved on and as I was ‘carefully’ picking my way along an uneven pathway I was asked ‘if I needed help’. It was a lovely gesture but it left me wondering if I look old and vulnerable!
Safely out of the inner keep we walked through the woods to the amazing reconstructed roundhouse before making our way to the café for afternoon refreshments that included ice cream rather than the usual ‘naughty cake’.
judging from the photos, the camera in its case survived, CP!
It seems to have done. Thank goodness
and this is indeed a good time to go back, twenty years is certainly enough time frame for me to loose out on many/most details.
The only things I remembered was the very steep bridge that leads to the inner castle an meeting someone who parked next to us on the carpark, someone Mr C knew! The car park itself is not how I remembered it, then it was a grassy area and now the main car park is hard core.
Hope you and camera are ok after the tumble. I was horrified a few years ago on the Isle of Wight when a young lad offered to help me cross the road!!!!!! My son is really keen on visiting Beeston Castle so good to see your photos.
Thank you, I made sure I was OK by not allowing the slide to let me fall. Thankfully my camera seems to be OK after its impact with the ground.
I think you would enjoy a visit to the castle. There are walks outside the castle which I would love to explore on another occasion.