Bird Life

Moo is Looking at Who

8 Comments CherryPie on Sep 12th 2023

8 Responses to “Bird Hide Spottings”

  1. Ayush says:

    would that be a site of intensive factory faming? i could be mistaken though, CP.

    • CherryPie says:

      No it isn’t a site of intensive farming. The cows were in a field where they could wander about. But for some reason they decided to congregate around the bird hide that I was pearing out of. They were so close I could have touched them.

  2. Shabana says:

    old place provide good hide for birds :)

  3. Sean Jeating says:

    Nice views. I do always enjoy my conversation with cows.

  4. Don’t remember these cows when I was there.
    Guess they need to diversify their incomes, apart from charging people to visit the site.