
During our recent Malta adventure I unfortunately lost my camera along with the photographs for the first part of our holiday. Luckily just before we travelled I had upgraded my mobile phone (paying less for my contract) so I was able to take photos after my camera had gone missing.

I have now replaced the camera but the photos that should have accompanied my stories from Malta have been lost in a foreign land…

12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 13th 2023

12 Responses to “Stories Not Included”

  1. Hels says:

    Malta is so photogenic, you will find plenty of beautiful photos on-line and in travel magazine to keep. The real loss comes from the personal connections with the places you loved. Memories of you drinking coffee on outside tables cannot be replicated.

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes, there were some special photos I had taken which cannot be repicated. I can use some of Mr C’s photos for some of my stories but he does not see all that I see (and vise versa). So some special moments/perspectives are lost forever.

  2. Mark in Mayenne says:

    Sorry to hear that. I enjoy your pictures of journeys.

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank you :-)

      Although I don’t have my photos for the first part of our holiday I will be able to share some that Mr C took. He doesn’t see all the things I see (and vise versa) so some of my photo memories will be missing.

  3. lisl says:

    One of life’w worst nightmare’s, Cherie

  4. So sorry to hear of the camera loss – horrid thing to happen losing photographic memories of a holiday and all the inconvenience.

  5. Ginnie Hart says:

    Oh, no, Cherry. That is indeed one of almost every photographer’s nightmares. Thankfully, you had back-up photos from M. to carry you through!

  6. I’m so sorry to hear that.
    So what happened? Got stolen there?

    • CherryPie says:

      No, I somehow mislaid it…

      I always check that I have picked everything up before I leave a place. But for some reason, although I did my usual checks there was nothing to see in the place I suspect that I left it. Maybe it had fallen on the floor just out of sight…

      I am more upset about the photos than the camera and it just had to be my birthday when it went missing!