As I mentioned in my previous post I was unable to view parts of the Peterborough Cathedral due to it being occupied by invaders.
The invaders were animatronic dinosaurs from the National History Museum. The exhibiton, entitled, ‘T. Rex: The Killer Question’ explored the question of whether T. Rex was a ferocious hunter or just a scavenger.
The exhibition meant that parts of the Cathedral were off limits unless we purchased a ticket to see the dinosaurs.
what an exhibit in a cathedral! these are i guess animated machines, so they could move their heads and presumably some sound effects added in too? they do look ferocious and the teeth really convince me!
Photo four and five show the models that were animated. And yes there was sound effects
Oh, oh, granddaughter (9) who is collecting dinosaurs decided to stay with us this weekend. If I let her see the above she will ask me to use the flying carpet we regularly used for visiting moon and Magellan clouds when she was three and four, to visit this very exhibition.
I think the Dino’s might have travelled back to the National History Museum.. I will need to check!
Your granddaughter would love the exhibition wherever it is
It looks pretty graphic, Cherie
The animatronics were realistic and brought the scenes to llife.
oh gosh! that looks a good exhibition. I remember years ago we went to see Dippy at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
I never quite made it to see Dippy in Birmingham.
Oh, I would love to see that! Reminds me that a visit to the NHM is in order too
Hopefully the Dino’s are back there when you visit
Oh that T Rex is actually a new subspecies.
“Hollisaurus precaria”!
I do know some Latin.
It certainly did a lot of holloring.