The dinosaurs confined themselves to Norwich city centre but the mammoths wandered further afield around Norfolk. I saw a few in the wilds and captured a couple meandering around Kings Lynne.
Archive for the tag 'Art Trail'
Filed under Art, Holidays, Norfolk 2022
Dinosaur Invasion…
…In Norwich City Centre
12 Comments CherryPie on Oct 24th 2023
Filed under Heritage, Out & About
Shrewsbury Castle
The castle motte dates from 1068 and was built with three sides protected by the River Severn but the stone walls date from the 12th to 13th centuries. There was originally a wooden keep on the motte but it collapsed in 1271 when half of the motte was washed away into the river. The castle [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Jul 26th 2023