Archive for the tag 'Cambridgeshire'

This sculpture by David Wynne shows the moment when Mary recognises Jesus on the morning of his resurrection.
A sign next to the sculpture states that the figures are so thin it is as though everything has been stripped from them except the core of their being.

Jesus said: ‘Woman, why are you weeping?’ Supposing him to [...]

16 Comments CherryPie on Dec 4th 2018

The pulpit is the place where, every Sunday, the preacher uses the Bible readings to explain the Christian faith and to apply it our lives today.*

The modern sculpture above the pulpit, ‘Christ in Majesty’ by Peter Ball is carved from oak and covered in copper, brass & gold leaf. It reminds us that the responsibility [...]

10 Comments CherryPie on Dec 1st 2018

Due to low light levels in early November these photos are not the best quality. Despite this I hope you enjoy my views the octagon.

22 Comments CherryPie on Nov 29th 2018

Nicholas West was Bishop of Ely between 1515 – 1534:

Although in his undergraduate days he had a reputation as a trouble maker, Nicholas West made good. He was employed by King Henry VII as his Chaplain, and by King Henry VIII as a diplomatic envoy, until he took up the cause of Queen Catherine and [...]

10 Comments CherryPie on Nov 28th 2018

Bishop James Russell Woodford, Bishop of Ely 1873-1885 founded Ely Theological College, which offered training for the priesthood. The Diocesan Office and Retreat House, which stand in the grounds of the Old College on Barton Road, are named after him. His portrait along with a lock of hair is displayed in the entrance hall. Bishop Woodford [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 26th 2018

See I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
Matthew 10:16

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 25th 2018

The name Ouse is from the Celtic or pre-Celtic *Udso-s,[2] and probably means simply “water” or slow flowing river.[3] Thus the name is a pleonasm. The lower reaches of the Great Ouse are also known as “Old West River” and “the Ely Ouse”, but all the river is often referred to simply as the Ouse in [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 24th 2018

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