This is one of Churchill’s favorite spots at Chartwell, a place where he loved to sit and rest, feed the goldfish or simply relax and paint. The view is much the same as when Churchill enjoyed it, although the trees that would have formed the backdrop to the scene were brought down in the [...]
Archive for the tag 'Chartwell'
Filed under Gardens, Holidays, Kent Autumn 2009
Chartwell – The Water Garden
12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 12th 2009
Filed under Holidays, Kent Autumn 2009
Chartwell – Home for Hedgehogs
These days it looks like the vegetables in the Old Kitchen Garden are not up to the task of supplying food for anyone, it seems like the slugs enjoy them too much. Maybe that is why they are advertising for a resident hedgehog
6 Comments CherryPie on Nov 11th 2009
Filed under Gardens, Holidays, Kent Autumn 2009
Chartwell – The Old Kitchen Garden
The Old Kitchen Garden used to supply Chartwell and during the war years No. 10 with fresh vegetables. The garden is surrounded by a sturdy red brick wall, which was laid by Churchill’s own fair hand:
He took justifiable pride in his skill and speed as a bricklayer: 90 bricks an hour was not uncommon. [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Nov 10th 2009
Filed under Anecdotes, Heritage, Holidays, Kent Autumn 2009
I was quite surprised this morning when I drew back the curtains, it was a perfect November morning. I love these foggy mornings and the autumnal colours; we just don’t seem to get very many of them these days. It is difficult to imagine today, that just 4 weeks ago when I visited Kent for [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Nov 9th 2009