We had lunch at Chirk Castle followed by a walk around the gardens and woodland area. Due to it being bank holiday Monday the cafe’s main seating areas were busy. We found the secret additional seating area which was almost empty allowing us to enjoy our lunch in a calm oasis away from the hustle [...]
Archive for the tag 'Chirk'
Filed under Anecdotes, Out & About
Race for Reading – Day Twenty Nine
6 Comments CherryPie on May 31st 2023
Filed under Anecdotes, This & That
A Review of 2022 in Twelve Photographs
Some special moments and memories from 2022, one from each month of the year. The photographs are taken from a calendar that I created for myself and due to the printing deadline, December’s photograph is also from November.
1. The Inclined Plane, Coalport, 2. Lichfield Cathedral, 3. Local Pathway, 4. Llangollen Canal Nr Chirk Aqueduct, 5. [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 1st 2023
Filed under Anecdotes, Out & About
Chirk Aqueduct Walk
I have visited Chirk and walked across the aqueduct on previous occasions, just stepping my toe across the border from Wales into England. It is fun to say you have stepped from Wales into England with just a few footsteps.
Today I had the opportunity to step out further along the canal pathway for an enjoyable [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 16th 2022