Archive for the tag 'Flickr Toys'

The kitchen was completely stripped (including tiles) by lunch time, at this point the fitters left to collect some extra parts and break for lunch. Whilst they were away the first of the units arrived. Nice
There was a little bit of confusion over the cooker which they were supposed to be [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jan 13th 2012

Hardwick Hall has an extensive set of Elizabethan plaster over-mantles. The reason these have survived despite the hall being open to the weather is because they each have a little roof over the top of them to throw the rainwater forward. They were first installed during a conservation campaign in 1911.

The Duke of [...]

14 Comments CherryPie on Aug 5th 2010

I have been asked on a couple of occasions what the image is that shows in my blog header. The image is randomly selected so I am never sure which one people have seen. At the moment there are nine images from my holiday in Northumberland, starting from the top left this is [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 20th 2009

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