Archive for the tag 'Leegomery Pools'

Filed under This & That

Summer 2024

My next walking challenge involves a weekly 5K (3 miles)  walk with a group of local ladies. I won’t be able to join them for the group walk every week due to other commitments. When I am unable to join the group walk due to other commitments I will still walk in step with the [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 28th 2024

My ultimate destination was Apley Woods and when I arrived, I was disappointed. I know at this time of year the trees are mostly bare with maybe a few buds emerging. This type of scenery has a beauty all of its own. On this visit I found that many trees and bushes had been cut [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Feb 27th 2024

This afternoon I went in search of a giant spider. My quest took me to Leegomery Pool where I found two swans. It was a pleasant surprise, I have not seen swans on this pool before. It would be lovely if they took up residence there.

I was successful in my search for the giant spider [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on Nov 1st 2022

4 Comments CherryPie on Oct 5th 2022

I chose a local route to complete my memorial walk in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth II.  The walk was perfect with both sunshine and showers.

I will now retrace my steps on my virtual route from London back to Windsor (just under 29 miles), concluding with a ‘real’ walk along the ‘Long Walk’ from [...]

16 Comments CherryPie on Sep 28th 2022

2 Comments CherryPie on Sep 17th 2022

Sadly, I think that Mr Mallard (dad) is responsible for the missing ducklings. I witnessed him swimming up suddenly out of the blue snapping with beak open wide at the remaining ducklings as they were sleeping. The ducklings immediately got in the water swimming out of harms way.

8 Comments CherryPie on May 4th 2022

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