Archive for the tag 'Musee de Cluny'
Filed under Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays, Paris 2012
The Chapel
14 Comments CherryPie on Dec 3rd 2012
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Paris 2012
Heads of the Kings of Judah
In its desire to erase all traces of feudalism, the French Revolution systematically and seriously damaged the decor of the cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris. In 1793, the twenty eight statues of the kings of Judah on the main facade were taken down and then sold to a builder as [...]
16 Comments CherryPie on Dec 1st 2012
Filed under Art, Holidays, Paris 2012
Stained-Glasses Windows (Room 6)
PS: The title is written letter for letter as it was in the museum leaflet.
8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 28th 2012
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Paris 2012
Paris – Day Two
The day started off with a typically French breakfast which was a refreshing change to the chain hotels that try and cater for all tastes. After breakfast we set off exploring in light drissle which continued for most of the day, but at least it wasn’t cold and we were mostly indoors. Our first [...]
22 Comments CherryPie on Oct 25th 2012