Archive for the tag 'Naughty Cake'

For many years Mr C and I have wanted to visit the Temple church in London. The church is only open to visitors Monday to Friday and we have historically visited London on a Saturday.
We recently took a day trip to London using our discount railcards with the specific aim of visiting the Temple Church.
Before [...]

13 Comments CherryPie on Jun 25th 2024

We arrived at breakfast to find our proprietor, Paul, cooking and serving breakfast assisted by a lovely young lady who hadn’t long been working at Cathedral View.
By the time we had finished our breakfast and checked out it was still only 9.30am, which was too early to visit the Parish Church of St Mary Magdelene [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Jun 18th 2024

One of our friends arranged a breakfast gathering because her family were over from Germany for a few days.
There was much fun and laughter and the extensive menu options proved a challenge for some. For me, the small vegetarian breakfast hit the sweet spot.

All too soon it was time to part ways leaving Mr C and [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 22nd 2024

Mr C overslept which meant we were a little late for our breakfast timeslot. As the day evolved the reason for his oversleeping became apparent; he had come down with the lurgy overnight.

After breakfast we loaded our luggage into the car and drove to Bekonscot Model Village, a place that Mr C had wanted to [...]

10 Comments CherryPie on Oct 22nd 2022

6 Comments CherryPie on Sep 22nd 2022

The morning weather looked unpromising so we tried to find a rainy day option for our adventures. This proved challenging because the things that inspired us were surprisingly all shut on Sunday’s! We opted to have lunch at home followed by a trip to a garden centre. On the way we stopped off for me [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on May 30th 2022

…following an afternoon adventure

6 Comments CherryPie on Mar 27th 2022

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