William Withering image

One of our friends arranged a breakfast gathering because her family were over from Germany for a few days.

There was much fun and laughter and the extensive menu options proved a challenge for some. For me, the small vegetarian breakfast hit the sweet spot.

Cliff Railway

All too soon it was time to part ways leaving Mr C and I in the ‘not quite’ ready to go home mood. We eventually settled on a visit to Bridgnorth where we had fun on the recently re-opened cliff railway.

Train of Thought




Sunshine Yellow

River walk

Lavington's Hole

Low Town

We took the train down the cliff from high town to low town and enjoyed a delightful walk along the river bank where I saw my first goslings of the year. One of the goslings was so cute and funny, climbing up the steep river bank then slipping and rolling back down, only to be determined to reach the preferred spot for grazing.

Cliff Railway

Cliff Railway

As we made our way back to the cliff railway to ascend into high town Mr C helped a young jogger who tripped over a curb and hurt herself.

Violets Tea Room

Back in high town we sought out ‘cake’ and settled on Violet’s Tea Room, where we knew we could sit outside and soak up the rays even if it was a little chilly. We both chose ginger and lemon cake which was delicious.

Lemon & Ginger Cake

After our ‘naughty cake’ indulgence, we headed off home in time for our usual Sunday pre-dinner aperitif with Mr C’s parents.

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 22nd 2024

6 Responses to “Sunday Breakfast in Spoons”

  1. Glad you had a good breakfast and a good time. I haven’t been to Bridgnorth for years but read recently the cliff railway had re-opened. The cake looks delicious :)

    • CherryPie says:

      You should visit Bridgnorth you would love it. There is another lovely tearoom ‘Castle Tearooms’ but we usually end up in Violets Tearoom. We also love the display in the nearby toyshop window.

      There is so much to see in Bridgnorth and it is so much easier to get around now the the cliff railway has re-opened.

  2. Oh I have not seen this type of funicular before!
    It’s both funny and peculiar. ;)

    Normal ones have inclined seats inside.
    But these in Bridgnorth have inclined “frames” instead.

    • CherryPie says:

      This cliff railway looks much the same as other such railways that I have encountered.

      I am interested to see an example of an inclined seat.

  3. What a beautiful little town! I especially love the cliff railway, of course. Your outfit was really lovely and colourful, to match the sunny weather up there. Send some sunshine to Kent please

    • CherryPie says:

      It was a lovely day and we have had semi lovely days ever since. It makes a change from all the rain.

      I had fun with my outfit. With the exception of the coat I had hoped to wear this for the Easter Sunday service in Lincoln, but that was not to be.