We were all packed and ready to go before we went down for our last breakfast in the Courtyard Garden. During breakfast we realised that there had been a bit of a mix up over the number of nights that we were staying, our hosts were expecting us to stay another night. Before we set [...]
Archive for the tag 'Rock Carvings'
We arrived at breakfast to find that we were seated next to the couple who dined next to us in Lilburns the previous evening. A coincidence that led us into easy conversation with each other. After breakfast we headed to Alnmouth where we hoped to stop so that we could wander round the small town. [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Sep 27th 2016
First thing after breakfast we set off to visit Brinkburn Priory, which is a place neither of us have visited before. The Priory is in a lovely, tranquil, shady setting but I thought that the nearby dilapidated manor house detracted from the setting as did a group of photographers with tripods getting in the way [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 26th 2016
DailyIndia reports that the proposed sight of the Basha-Diamer Dam in Pakistan, holds thousands of ancient rock carvings and inscriptions. If the construction of the dam goes ahead around 30,000 carvings on 5,000 rocks would be affected. Some would be totally submerged and some would be seasonably visible when water levels were low.
Professor Harald [...]
17 Comments CherryPie on May 20th 2011