Heaven and earth are not distant enough to separate the hearts which our Lord has joined.
St Francis de Sales
Archive for the tag 'Salisbury Cathedral'
16 Comments CherryPie on Jan 29th 2017
Filed under Faith Foundations, Holidays, Science & Nature, Wells 2016
Moon Rising Over Salisbury Cathedral
I couldn’t quite get the angle to frame the moon and the cathedral in the same photograph. I could have done with a bit of time but my companion would probable have got bored and impatient whilst I wandered around for the perfect angle.
The second photo shows the top of one of the trees from [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Jan 16th 2017
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Wells 2016
Wells – Day Four
I awoke to the delightful sound of cathedral bells before we made our way downstairs for our final breakfast in Stoberry House. Some interesting conversations took place over breakfast including one involving a couple who were thinking of opening a B&B who were seeking advice from our hostess, Frances, on how best to go about [...]
7 Comments CherryPie on Aug 5th 2016
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Winchester 2014
Old Sarum
Once Old Sarum was a major centre of government but all that remains today are the great earth banks and ruined remains of the former buildings.
Uniquely, it combines evidence for a royal castle and cathedral within in a massive Iron Age fortification. During the century and a half when its castle and cathedral coexisted, Old [...]
17 Comments CherryPie on Oct 21st 2014
Salisbury Cathedral has the largest cloisters of any British Cathedral.
The cloisters were started as a purely decorative feature only five years after the cathedral building was completed, with shapes, patterns, and materials that copy those of the cathedral interior.
It was an ideal opportunity in the development of Early English Gothic architecture, and Salisbury Cathedral made [...]
14 Comments CherryPie on Jul 9th 2014
Altar of St Margaret of Scotland:
(c.1045-1093). Descendant of Alfred King of Wessex and ancestor of Queen Elizabeth II Canonised 1250.
Wife of King Malcolm III of Scotland. The 17th century frontal is thought to be Spanish but may be Italian, and shows scenes from the life of St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582).
It is one of the [...]
2 Comments CherryPie on Jul 7th 2014
Filed under Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays, Salisbury 2014
Salisbury Cathedral – The Bumping Stone
The Salisbury ‘choir boys’ traditionally undergo a quaint initiation ceremony.
Chorister initiation – “bumping”
now be said about the rather quaint initiation ceremony for newly made choristers after Evensong on the day that they receive their surplices.
The new chorister is seated on the stone shelf in the south choir aisle with the Bishop’s Chorister and the [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Jul 5th 2014