Archive for the tag 'Walk'

No Comments CherryPie on May 12th 2024

2 Comments CherryPie on May 11th 2024

… in Attingham Park after a talk about below stairs mansion gossips and secrets.

8 Comments CherryPie on May 3rd 2024

I had a lovely morning walk in Attingham Park with members of the Shropshire #walk1000miles group. It was lovely to catch up with old friends and meet others for the first time. Walking and talking meant I didn’t stop to take photos along the way. I will walk the route again soon with my camera [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on Mar 6th 2022

I have been a busy taxi service recently. One of my taxi adventures involved garden centres with my mum. She was tempted to purchase shoes in one of the franchises. Whilst there I noticed a range of comfy walking shoes.
I returned today to test the range shoes and found a perfect choice for everyday walking.
I [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on May 28th 2021

A couple of days ago a local lady member of the #walk1000miles challenge led a fascinating history walk around Telford Town Park and beyond, not to mention the secret watery delights hidden just out of sight.
I enjoyed meeting my fellow Badgers (participants of the #walk1000miles challenge) and it was an added bonus to have a [...]

14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 23rd 2020

Filed under Anecdotes

A Lazy Sunday

The photo I posted yesterday to accompany my ‘Cherie’s Place Thought’ was taken by Mr C whilst we were enjoying a lovely lazy sunday.

Our first port of call was a boatyard near Trevor basin to board a longboat for a leisurely lunch as we travelled along the canal (the lunch experience was a Christmas gift). [...]

16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 22nd 2019