Archive for the tag 'Worcestershire'

2 Comments CherryPie on Jun 5th 2024

For our last breakfast in Stratford, we were seated in a beautiful sunny window where we lingered a while soaking up the sunshine.
After leaving the hotel I photographed the garden and our room windows from outside. Our room was on the same side as the room we stayed in previously but high at the front [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Mar 25th 2024

Once again, I chose some pick and mix options from the full English breakfast. It was interesting to see that the items were presented differently by the chef of that morning.

We drove the short distance to Evesham hoping to visit St Lawrence’s Church. After picking up leaflets from the Tourist Information office, we arrived to [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Mar 24th 2024

All Saints is the parish church of Evesham and, together with its bell tower and St Lawrence church, represent the last complete structures from the foundation of Evesham Abbey. Evesham Abbey was founded on the site of a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the swineherd Eof, subsequently endorsed by Egwin, the third Bishop [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Feb 6th 2024

… My adventure in Evesham and the site of Evesham Abbey which for now is a work in progress

8 Comments CherryPie on Feb 3rd 2024

Witley Court, Great Witley, Worcestershire, England is a ruined Italianate mansion. Built for the Foleys in the seventeenth century on the site of a former manor house, it was enormously expanded in the early nineteenth century by the architect John Nash for Thomas Foley, 3rd Baron Foley. The estate was later sold to the Earls of Dudley, who undertook a second massive reconstruction [...]

4 Comments CherryPie on Apr 20th 2023

Filed under Anecdotes

I Am Back

After almost three weeks without a computer I am back, my new laptop arrived yesterday. There was a bit of a drama getting Microsoft Office to download but thanks to Tech Support (who were also flummoxed) we eventually got it sorted.
I have few more things to fix including purchasing the latest version of Photoshop Elements [...]

20 Comments CherryPie on Apr 13th 2023

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