Filed under This & That

10 Truths

Phidelm has challenged me to reveal 10 truths about myself.  I have spent some time racking my brain to come up with some interesting snippets that most of you don’t already know about me.  Well here they are, but only you can decide if they are interesting or not.

  1. I make all my own Birthday/Anniversary cards using photographs that I have taken whilst out and about on my travels.
  2. I taught myself HTML and CSS so that I could write my own web page to share information (mostly photographs) with my friends.  Then my webby stuff sort of snowballed from there and I think I have become a web addict!
  3. When I contracted measles it affected my eyesight and I have no sense of smell.
  4. I didn’t learn to drive until I was in my late 20s and only then because I needed to get out and about independently.  I hated the lessons (but not the instructor) and I loved the freedom it gave me after I passed my test (first time).
  5. I sang in the school choir which was a great deal of fun.  On one occasion we sang in the closing concert at the Eisteddford at Llangollen.  The concert was running late and we were last on stage which made us very late home (or early depending on how you look at it).  We watched the sunrise as we were traveling home on the bus.
  6. I have only fairly recently re-joined the trade union having resigned many years ago after I felt the members had been let down quite badly over working conditions.  I joined so that I could help out my fellow workers because I could see all the threats that were about to start looming up for us.  Somehow I managed to get caught up with it all a lot more than I expected, the result is what you see now.
  7. My smallpox injection scar is in an unusual place.
  8. My favourite subjects at school were music and biology.  I would have preferred to study botany, but that wasn’t on the curriculum because it is too difficult (well that is what we were told).
  9. When I was area secretary of a youth organisation I implemented a method of saving money on postage.  From the looks of their website they still use the same method today.
  10. I once got my hand stuck in the mechanism of a playground ride.  It was the swinging plank that was hung from a large frame at either end.  As I was trying to climb off my hand slid into the swinging mechanism and I had to wait for it to swing all the way through the cycle before I could get my hand out.  I still have the scar today.

Now it is over to you ;-)

16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 18th 2009

16 Responses to “10 Truths”

  1. jmb says:

    Interesting certainly.

    I took Botany at university for Pharmacy. I found it so boring at the time. Only later, when I became interested in gardening did I get really interested in the subject and wish I had paid more attention to it.

    • CherryPie says:

      There were quite a few of us that wanted to carry on and study it after learning a bit in the years when we did combined science.

  2. Bernard says:

    I’m glad to see one of your favourites subjects was music. However, that covers a whole range of sounds from Renaissance to Rock.
    Do you have have any soft spots? (in music of course).
    I’m afraid my “cut off” was around the time the Beatles broke up.
    After that I could not really get interested, although of course there is some excellent more ‘up-to-date’ music.

  3. ubermouth says:

    I had spinal meningitis when I was a baby and was in an isolation ward for 3 mths. Since then I am light sensitive and have to wear dark sunglasses outside all times of year and only have side lighting in my house.

    I am very interested in the study of biology and human nature etc. Humans are so complex and fascinating.

    I love music also.

    • CherryPie says:

      That must have been a worry for your family at the time. When I go out into the sun it always makes me sneeze.

      I love to do a bit of people watching, as you say humans are so fascinating.

  4. mutley says:

    Thats all very disturbing. I am particularly worried about the scarred hand…

  5. Phidelm says:

    Thank you so much, Cherie, for telling us more about yourself. I share the choral singing past, the continuing love of music and passion for all things visual. Also have scarred hand. When a worker, was also concerned about younger/less privileged colleagues; often argued re same with management (pr sector, so career suffered as result). Don’t make own cards; but keep a stock of art postcards + invent apposite/crazy captions for friends/relatives. Quite a bit in common, there (not surprised!), so thank you again.

    • CherryPie says:

      Most of our disputes these days aren’t with the local management. We struggle with terms and conditions, forced relocations and enforced privatisations.

  6. jameshigham says:

    N7 is more than interesting.

  7. luisa brehm says:

    i like to read all about you, Fairy !!!
    and now i understand why you are crazy about flowers and gardens ;-) ))))))))))))))))))
    about me, you know already ….

    magiccccccccccccccccc weekend !!!
    lots of love and kissessssssssssssssssssssssss

  8. I enjoyed those – very interesting. Lovely photo of you, too.