A Man in the Shed SillyWeek post:
Last time I visited Alnwick Garden I took time to explore the Treehouse which is a lot bigger than your average treehouse. It is built from Scandinavian redwood, Canadian cedar and English and Scots pine, which are sustainable resources. It is located in a copse of mature lime trees and is quite fascinating to see. There are rooms that house bars, restaurants and educational areas which are linked by walkways and wobbly rope bridges.
Although not a great lover of heights I decided I had to try out the rope bridges. I found myself alone on the bridge with two mischievous children. They thought it was great fun to make the bridge rock wildly whilst I clung on tightly trying to get to the other side as qickly as possible. They even managed to track me down when I embarked on my next bridge crossing, this time one on either side of me so that I couldn’t move anywhere…
They soon disappeared though when a man got on the other end of the bridge and played them at their own game. I got to have the last laugh after all.
I adore treehouses and they feature heavily in my novel. That photo on the bridge was cute.
Aww! thank you
The bridge looks great fun
It was great fun, I would have liked to have explored it a bit more without being bounced!
Actually, you might have turfed them over the side and that would have solved the problem.
It would but they were cute kids just having fun Nasty irritating kids, that would have been a different matter
wowwwwwwwww, lucky Fairy, i would love to be there with you, like that we were two )))))))))))))))))
magicccccccccccccccccc august !!!
lots of love and kissesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I know we would have a lot of fun xoxoxoxoxox
i forgot, the house is amazinggggggggggggggggg !!!
Wishing you a magical Sunday xoxoxox
What fun!
I love tree houses (as well, James)
…maybe that’s why I liked ‘Swiss Family Robinson’ so much.
When I was young I was lucky enough to have friends close by who had a tree house in a tree at the bottom of their garden. It was great fun, it was our den
Lovely tree house – I have always wanted to live in a place like that. I’m with you on rope bridges: courage required! The trick is to walk slowly down the centre of the planks, putting one foot carefully in front of t’other. Kids, eh? Love the pix; love your good nature & sense of fun!
Thank you If the sides hadn’t been so well roped in, I would have been a bit more worried, in fact I don’t think would have been able to step on it.
I would love to go for an evening meal in the restaurant, I should imagine there is a great atmosphere.
Great place. Children? Husband does that to me! Any wobbly bridge he rocks and I scream.
Not mine, they adopted me for fun and scaring!!!