silly-weekAs  SillyWeek draws to a close I present you with the Bounceometer.  You will probably want to skip the intro and pick the wire mesh view.  So click here and Enjoy ;-)

12 Comments CherryPie on Aug 2nd 2009

12 Responses to “The Bounceometer”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Fortunately, my breasts haven’t reached that stage yet.

  2. angus says:

    Nor mine, but it is quite hypnotising:)

  3. Phidelm says:

    Ha! I was waiting for the, er, punchline – and there it was! All in a good cause, with bonus giggles!

    • CherryPie says:

      It certainly gave me a giggle. I saw it quite some time ago and it took me a while to track down again, but I thought it was worth it for silly week :-)

  4. I had to leave the site. I found myself hypnotised!

    • CherryPie says:

      Maybe we could use it as a tool. Get everyone mesmorised and then we can take over the country when everyone is looking the other way…

  5. Bernard says:

    Well as I don’t wear a bra, I clicked ‘no bra’..
    Wish I hadn’t!!!…very active GG! Is this a race horse???

  6. LOL!! and the comments were even better! ;D