Angus commented on my previous post suggesting he might like to take the barber up on the offer of a free haircut. After seeing the type of styles that particular barber produces, I think Angus may change his mind
12 Comments CherryPie on Aug 13th 2009
Looks like me before breakfast.
I don’t believe that
There’s not a lot of styling dos with that hair.
Cute picture,Cherie.
I am thinking a good shave would make him much more appealing LOL
Great laugh to start the day – thanks, Cherie! Have a good weekend you and yours.
Yes that picture just had to be posted
I hope you have a great weekend too
I don’t mind, as long as it’s free,and much cooler in the hot weather we are having!!! and of course it will grow again (what there is of it):)
I shall send him over when he is done with his current client
Well, the customer looks happy, though.
Ah, forgot: Most MP for certain reasons would avoid looking into mirrors.
Good one, CherryPie.
I think he looks like he has been imbibing alcohol too!!!
Now you mention it.