Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.
Albert Schweitzer

Reflecting on Happiness

20 Comments CherryPie on Aug 23rd 2009

20 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. devika says:

    Oh what a dreamy face, beautiful Cherie :)
    love this…and the quote, so true…

    Nice to be here at the new place,


  2. Phidelm says:

    Very charming, dreamy portrait – CP’s camera in Vermeer mode … Love the latest quote. Bit reminiscent of Flaubert’s recipe for happiness (? = total selfishness + wealth + complete stupidity!). Merci, Cherie ;-) .

  3. Delightful portraiture – what a beautiful lady. :)

  4. Lovely portrait. You look very pensive!

  5. jameshigham says:

    The bad memory part is an essential component.

  6. A pensive and thoughtful pose…..I love it!

  7. liz says:

    Very true! A bad memory can be an asset!

  8. trubes says:

    Very contenplative Cherie but lovely picture too. I hope there is such a word as contenplative, if not Trubes has just made it up and I’m too idle to get my dictionary and check it.

    Message for Phidelm,(if you don’t mind Cherie).
    I would like to view your site please.


  9. trubes says:

    P.S. I meant to say contemplative Cherie, no wonder it didn’t look right!


  10. Phidelm says:

    Cherie: thanks so much for passing on the message – and my apologies for using your blog for more of same. Trubes: my blog’s closed/finished; only keeping the URL to enable me to comment (& in case I decide to re-start).

  11. luisa brehm says:

    bad memory, i like that ;-) )))))))))))))))
    wonderful self !!!