a-year-in-tibetSynopsis (from book cover):

Sun Shuyun grew up in China and has always been fascinated by Tibet and by Buddhism.  Accompanied by a television crew, she spent a year in a remote town in the Tibetan mountain area and recorded what life is like for the people there.

Despite half a century of Communist rule, the residents of the town of Gyantse have been returning to religion and much of the traditional way of life.  But as Sun Shuyun follows the daily lives of a shaman and his family, of monks, a village doctor, a party worker, a hotel manager and a rickshaw driver, it becomes clear that the community is facing the pressures of change.

Capturing the tensions between the Chinese and Tibetans, between an ancient and an alien culture, and between continuity and modernization, this is a rare and vivid insight into Tibet’s isolated communities.


The author deals with the subject in a very sensitive manner as she describes the lives of the Tibetans, whose culture is in stark contrast to the authors communist upbringing.

During her year long stay there, she befriends the Tibetans which enables her to explain the daily lives and rituals of the different characters that appear in the book.  Shuyun explains how she struggles with some of the Buddhist ideas and rituals, but she always discusses the subject delicately.  Although she was researching and filming for a documentary, the sensitivities of the people were always put first and this stopped her from filming some material.

The timing of her visit was prior to the Tibetans taking to the streets of Lhasa in March 2008.  she deals with the political situation very well in that you are not led to take sides and are only left to witness the daily lives of the Tibetans.  Despite all the difficulties they face you get the sense that they are serene and able to take every setback in their stride.

The book covers topics such as healthcare (traditional and modern), schooling, marriage, sky burial, polygamy, rituals, Buddhism and the many Tibetan Gods.

Above all the book gives a vivid description of the daily lives of Tibetans and what it is like to live there.  A must read for anyone who wants a feel for what it is like to live in Tibet.

8 Comments CherryPie on Aug 24th 2009

8 Responses to “A Year in Tibet by Sun Shuyun”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Would you like to be on a Tibetan mountainside? Bit different to a garden.

    • CherryPie says:

      From the pictures I have seen the scenery looks fantastic, but I am not sure I can’t be bothered with all the hassles that would surround visiting the place.

  2. jmb says:

    Sounds like an interesting book to read. A friend spent three months in a refugee camp in India, teaching Tibetans English and said they were the loveliest of people.

  3. Phidelm says:

    Fascinating, Cherie – I’d never heard of this book; now it’s near the top of my list. Thank you.

  4. I always wanted to visit Tibet. Will look into acquiring this book. Thanks for the recommendation.