Just when I thought things were settling back to normal after two “one of those days” I encountered the dreaded…

…500 – Internal server error.

Followed by this alarming briefing when I got to work.  Normal service seems to be resumed on my blog, although I have not received any communication on what the problem was.

Due to pressure from my blog friends, I have uploaded some Christmas header pictures.  I think for one reason or another we all need them today…


Things in perspective ;-)

14 Comments CherryPie on Dec 1st 2009

14 Responses to “Back Again”

  1. Claudia says:

    So glad you’re back! Splendid winter scenery…Charming rose…

  2. angus says:

    Modern technology Cherrypie:) wasn’t life much simpler when all we had was paper and a pen:)

  3. MTG says:

    Yellow roses – “That long lost summer leaving me behind you…”

  4. Sean Jeating says:

    Have you been away? :)

  5. jameshigham says:

    Well, it’s the time for it.

  6. Phidelm says:

    Gorgeous roses, Cherie – and good for you for refusing to let the gremlins get you down. Do hope that service improves.