Filed under Anecdotes

In the News

I really should be blogging about the Defence cuts, but it will only annoy me and I am sure you have all heard about it on the news anyway. I would however recommend this article if you haven’t seen it already.

You probably know that Facebook changed some of it’s privacy settings recently.  Facebook is able to automatically index all your public info into search engines.  To stop it doing so you have to make sure that you change your Privacy settings and un-tick the box that allows it to do this.  If you don’t want search engines displaying any of your Facebook data I would suggest you review this setting.

Now this last bit of news I really should have mentioned yesterday but I was distracted by my Christmas tree and the case of the missing baubles.  Calum is back blogging again, although he nearly managed to kill his cat in the process of taking some very nice pictures to post so do go and check him out :-)

Defence Under Threat Poster

9 Comments CherryPie on Dec 15th 2009

9 Responses to “In the News”

  1. I want to see a Mark Serwotka action figure!

  2. WE could call it The Negotiator?

  3. Calumcarr says:

    Cheers, CP

  4. Nah…..I want to see a Mandelson action figure to stick pins in…..although I strongly suspect it would come with accessories…..tee hee

  5. jameshigham says:

    This is what we’re up against, Cherie and defence is only the tip of the iceberg.

    • CherryPie says:

      Oh yes James I have been following the twists and turns for many years. Now we have reached a crisis point which could have more than one outcome depending on the will of the people.