I think that is enough doom and gloom for now so I will share some appropriate holiday photos (for this season) with you.

One of the places I visited during my stay on the borders was the Lady Waterford Hall which was formally a school. The building contains Biblical scenes that were painted onto the wall as a teaching aid for the children who attended the school:

Lady Waterford Hall was commissioned in 1860 by Louisa Anne, Marchioness of Waterford, and owner of Ford Estate. The building served as a school until 1957 and in its heyday had as many as 134 local children on the register. Now used as the Village Hall (available to hire for private functions) it is much more besides and really is a ‘must see’ on a visit to North Northumberland.

As well as being a very generous lady who was concerned with the welfare of the estate workers and their children, Lady Waterford was also a keen amateur painter and spent 22 years decorating the interior of the Hall with Biblical scenes as a teaching aid for pupils. Many of the children and other villagers were used as models. Louisa Waterford is now recognised as one of the most interesting and gifted artists of her time, and many of her artworks are also displayed in the Hall together with other artifacts from the Victoria era.

For some reason it didn’t feel right for me to take photographs inside the building, I am not sure why. So I hope you enjoy my pictures of the outside of the building and you can see me enjoying the artwork inside the gallery.

Village View

Lady Waterford Hall

Lady Waterford Gallery

Lady Waterford Gallery

14 Comments CherryPie on Dec 16th 2009

14 Responses to “Lady Waterford Hall”

  1. Bernard says:

    Very interesting Cherie. It reminded me of my school in Bournville.
    I am planning a post about Cadburys and Bournville but don’t think I will be able to get any inside pictures. (Certainly not as good as yours above)

  2. jameshigham says:

    That hall was magnificent. By the way, did you mean “formerly”?

    • CherryPie says:

      I am sure you would have enjoyed seeing the pictures close up.

      I did indeed! Funny you can never spot your own errors no matter how many times you read what you have written. The thing I am worst at, is leaving entire words out and not seeing that they are missing until much later!

  3. Claudia says:

    Great architecture and art work. The close up garden of mixed flowers is enchanting.

    • CherryPie says:

      The picture of the flowers is a little deceiving. The flowers surround a pillar which is in the middle of a small roundabout in the road. You can just make out the plinth to the right of the photograph.

      I took the shot that way because I thought the houses looked more interesting with the flowers in the foreground.

  4. Ellee says:

    She sounds like an inspirational woman. And I love that timber framed ceiling.

  5. Phidelm says:

    Fascinating and illuminating introduction to a place and people I’d never heard about – thank you, Cherie.

  6. luisa brehm says:

    oi, Fairy, fantasticccccccccc shots !!!
    you look a queen, true ;-) )))))))))))))))) well, may be a princess ….
    lots of love and kissesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss