The view from my office this evening.


14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 8th 2010

14 Responses to “At Evenfall”

  1. Andi says:

    Aah! Those were the days, when I had a view from my office! I remember it well!

  2. Calumcarr says:

    How can you work at all with that view?

  3. luisa brehm says:

    and it’s a superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr view, Fairy !!!
    may be you helped a bit with that fantastic light ;-) )))))))
    magical weekend !!!
    lots of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee and kissesssssssssssss

  4. Ellee says:

    There are some nice colours there Cherry Pie. You must have a good camera.

    • CherryPie says:

      This was with my camera phone, which is half decent. I used the histogram in photoshop which helps get photos look like they were taken on a film camera.

  5. I can see the London Eye and the tower holding Big Ben from my office

  6. Phidelm says:

    Great view – good thing you sit with your back to it ;-) ! That’s a lovely composition; love the way you’ve captured the lightning-like arrows of light on the lhs.