
I have been struggling on and off with dieting for a couple of years, so I am still feeling a bit bulky. Looking at the lady on the right in the second picture makes me realise I don’t have too much to worry about after all ;-)

But even so I am determined to reach my goal this year, so wish me luck.

December 25th

Wide Berth

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

In other news it was minus 6 when I left the house this morning, a cue for the car door to be completely stuck. I think it is playing games with me, it wasn’t stuck at all!!! There is also the promise of minus 10 overnight Brrr!!!

28 Comments CherryPie on Jan 8th 2010

28 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Bulky”

  1. ubermouth says:

    That’s a really nice photo of you, Cherie. That blue is the perfect colour for you!

  2. YTSL says:

    Cherie, you look great — I don’t think a diet is necessary AT ALL!

  3. jmb says:

    Yep we all struggle with bulkiness but you are winning the struggle. I think the lady on the right below is expecting twins.

    Happy weekend to you Cherie.

  4. Hootin' Anni says:

    Good luck!!
    The 2nd photo isn’t as lovely as the first and diet for you looks unnecessary, but yep….cattle are a fitting choice for the theme.

    You ask how cold is it here in South Texas?…..well, my answer [and bulky plumage of bird] is my Photo Hunt Post today. LOL

  5. Cherie you don’t need a diet! You look fine as you are. HAve a great weekend

  6. Annie says:

    You look great and not bulky at all. The lady in the second photo is another matter. :)

    Thanks for visiting mine and have a nice weekend (keep warm!).

  7. Criz Lai says:

    Hmm… I think everyone over here are looking like the lady in the second photo… haha!

  8. I think you look lovely. Such a beautiful smile! And, girl– blue is YOUR color!!

    I goofed for Photo Hunters this week, and did “12″ instead of “Bulky.” :S Oops. But I decided to leave it up because it’s appropriate for this week… and because I didn’t want to spend an hour doing a different post! I hope you can visit.

    Have a blessed New Year!
    Mrs. Mecomber

  9. There is bulk and then there is BULK. I think you look lovely~ just be healthy!

  10. Kim says:

    You are lovely with your blue dress and you are not bulky. I tried to lose weight too so no sweets and salt for me and I feel light but I guess not in the weighing scale haven’t look at it yet ^_^ Happy weekend!


  11. Phidelm says:

    Wrong choice for ‘bulky’ theme, Cherie! But if you really want to lose weight, then of course I wish you ‘bon courage’.

  12. jameshigham says:

    Needed in winter.

  13. Andrew Scott says:

    “The lady on the right” is a pregnant cow and was surely much slimmer a few weeks after the photo was taken. Be careful who you choose to compare yourself with :)

  14. Bull Rhino says:

    Oh yeah I knew that would come up a few times this week LOL! Great take on the theme! I love all the different ways people can approach it.
    Drop by and see mine here.