The clock-tower was put up on the inner face of the Adam’s Tower in 1609.  The belfrey however was added as part of later alterations.

The Clock Tower

6 Comments CherryPie on May 6th 2010

6 Responses to “Chirk Castle – The Clock Tower”

  1. I love the look of that tower even if it looks a little incongruous!

  2. jameshigham says:

    … and you’d always no the time!

  3. CherryPie says:

    Would that be ‘know’ the time?

  4. jameshigham says:

    Did it again, I see. The other mistake I always make is “their” for “they’re”. The tower itself is nice.

    • CherryPie says:

      One of mine is I miss of the the ‘Y’ when I am trying to write they. I also have a tendency to miss out linking words.