Burton Agnes HallThe weather was looking decidedly dodgy so the weather forecast had to be studied closely in order to visit that stately home and garden that I had promised myself. From the list of possibilities the one with the least likelihood of rain was Burton Agnes Hall. The journey there was lovely and the rain stayed away during the visit, lunch was tasty but the counter service was a bit chaotic.

I really enjoyed the garden.  It is one of the best I have visited and the house was really interesting too. It is still lived in by the family and has never been up for public sale since it was built in 1173. The family living there has changed from time to time over the years due to the female line sometimes inheriting the home. It is now owned and managed by a charitable trust. The original manor house is situated next door and managed by English Heritage.

I was persuaded that it would be a good idea to visit Bridlington for some fish and chips. It was only when I got there that I remembered I wasn’t that fond of Bridlington, especially in the rain! This meant another quick change of plan and a return to York where a good evening meal was had in The Olive Tree which was vaguely Mediterranean in style. I had sea bass followed by Amaretto sponge. Mmmm!

I almost forgot to mention that on the journey to Burton Agnes I got stuck behind very slow traffic. So when I spotted a sign to Bishop Wilton church, which said it was of interest I decided to do a detour. It was a very interesting church and the minister arrived and turned on the lights to show off the most interesting features and give a little bit of history of the church and surrounding area. He mentioned that the painted stars on the ceiling were made of solid lead and that two of them had fallen off. He produced them and they weighed quite heavy.  He then mentioned that one had fallen right by the pulpit!!! But I suppose the pulpit is quite close to the organ and it’s vibrations…


St Edith's Church

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 14th 2010

6 Responses to “York – Day Three”

  1. MTG says:

    Yorkshire is awash with old village churches and some are just as interesting as the Minster. I haven’t visited this one at Bishop Wilton – but I will.

    • CherryPie says:

      I will be interested to know what you think of it when you have been. The minister mentioned there was another church close by on the opposite side of the main road that was also of interest. I didn’t see any signs for it, so I am not quite sure where that one was.

      I always enjoy visiting old churches. Other ones I remember visiting in Yorkshire are Whitby, Hinderwell, Lythe and Grosmont. I visited those a few years ago in relation to my family history research.

  2. jameshigham says:

    I was persuaded that it would be a good idea to visit Bridlington for some fish and chips.

    Like the new Dickens!

  3. Trubes says:

    ‘Tis never a good idea to visit Bridlington Cherie…..
    I’ve been there once and didn’t even stay for fish and chips!
    In my humble opinion, Scarborough Bay is the right place for fish and chips, and not forgetting, the ubiquitous cup of Yorkshire tea……..Marvellous!
    Again, I’ve really enjoyed reading your articles about the visit to York, the Hotel looked lovely, and full of interest too.
    As I’m a bit of a ‘foodie’, I would be interested in the quality of the Hotel food, wherever you stay, as you seem to stay at them half board.
    We’ve been so disappointed with ‘hotel food’, that we usually book a cottage.


    • CherryPie says:

      I love Scarborough, it was just a bit further along than I wanted to drive though. The hotel food wasn’t bad. The breakfast was cooked order and very nice. The evening meals were from a seasonal menu using local food sources where popular. All the dishes came with the veg of the day, so in that respect you got what you got. The dinner was nice and enjoyable but not exquisite.

      Two nights I ate in town and enjoyed both the meals.

      With hotels I always try to pick carefully and have the option of eating in the hotel in case I am too tired or it is raining too much for me to be bothered to got out. Although I usually find I enjoy the meals out of the hotel more.