Three Beers and a WineThe weather was still rather inclement but I braved the elements and walked the final part of the Town Walls, which started quite close to the hotel.  This stretch finished in just the right place to take in the museum gardens before visiting York Minster.  After going round the minster it was time for lunch and I couldn’t visit York without going in Bettys at least once.  I was tempted by the afternoon tea plate but I decided to err on the side of caution and elected instead to have one of their Fat Rascals which are served warm with butter.  For those who have never had one, they are similar to a scone and rather large but absolutely delicious.

After lunch it was time to make the second attempt to visit the castle museum.  I found it rather disappointing compared to the last time I visited.  Some of the best exhibits seemed to have gone and part of it was still being refurbished.

After freshening up in the hotel it was time for dinner in The Blue Bicycle and it was easily the best meal of the week (more on that later).  I was then dragged into a pub that stated it was one of the oldest and most haunted pubs in York!  It was empty, maybe the ghosts had scared everyone away?  Pub choice number two was much more lively and friendly and they were serving taster beers on a tray of three, in third of a pint glasses.  I have not seen that done before, but it seemed very popular.

The Museum Gardens

York Minster

18 Comments CherryPie on Jun 15th 2010

18 Responses to “York – Day Four”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Isn’t the minster magnificent?

  2. CalumCarr says:

    Ah, Betty’s.

    I remember the Museum Gardens.

    Thank you for reminding me.

  3. Ginnie says:

    Fat Rascals? I LOVE scones so I know I would love these. I’ll have to remember that, Cherie. :)

  4. MTG says:

    It is inspiring to look up into the vast vaults of the Minster and reflect on the difficulties besetting the original builders. How strange it must have been for these very brave artisans to commence their work knowing neither they, nor their children were ever likely to see the wonder completed.

    • CherryPie says:

      It is a very impressive building and I like the way they are still adding to it as and when bits wear out. It feels like it is alive.

      I have the book ‘The Pillars of the Earth’ which is about building a cathedral, I really must get around to reading it.

  5. Trubes says:

    I love York Minster, it is amongst my favourite buildings. I look forward to your next installment, perhaps The Railway Museum ?
    The account of your visit to York has made me feel I was on the trip with you and
    has certainly brightened up my day, thank you Cherie.


    • CherryPie says:

      I am glad it made you smile :-) We didn’t quite get around to the Railway Museum which is another good excuse to go back soon. One instalment of the the holiday left and then I shall post a bit more history about some of the places.

  6. JD says:

    see any red squirrels?
    I remember sitting on a bench similar to that one and watching a couple of them “squirrelling away.” They seemed awfully busy.

    • CherryPie says:

      Sadly I didn’t see any red ones which is a shame I am rather fond of them.

      There were quite a few grey ones though and one got rather ‘too’ close for comfort. That will teach me to linger and take photos of them ;-)

  7. Marta says:

    The Minster looks lovely. It has been absolutely ages since we visited (would you believe 1981!). We missed the gardens then. The Fat Rascals sound perfect on a gloomy day.

    • CherryPie says:

      Before I visited the Minster on this occasion it was before 1981 when I last visited. I am so glad I took the time to visit this time around.

  8. Scott Scurci says:

    Lovely stuff! I travelled to the UK this summer and had my first ever afternoon tea with a scone, and it was absolutely delicious I figured I’d try make my own last weekend. I might have broken a few rules maybe – I found a tonne of random scone recipes here and made 4 different types! My friends were so happy when I brought them round for tea and scones, complete with real whipped cream. Great fun!