For some time I have been meaning to try out the option of emailing photos to Flickr so that they auto-post on my blog. I know it worked on Blogger, but the photo sizes didn’t go with the templates that were available at the time and as I am fussy about layout I decided not to go along with it. I thought it might be fun to take pictures on my mobile phone when I am out and about and upload the photos whilst I was there.

For now I am emailing from my computer and if that works I shall try again to configure my mobile phone to send emails. I struggled with it last time but I think I know where I went wrong.

Below is a picture that I took from the top of Clifford’s Tower. I thought I was very brave going up there because I don’t do heights very well!

Testing Email to Flickr to Blog, originally uploaded by KirscheTortschen.

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 25th 2010

6 Responses to “Testing Email to Flickr to Blog”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Worked out very well, it seems. By the way,you have a task awaiting you.

    • CherryPie says:

      I had to do a little bit of amendment to the layout as you can probably see now. But I think it will do well enough :-)

      What is the task I have awaiting?

  2. MTG says:

    I like your rooftop perspective and this pic has commercial value, CP.

  3. JD says:

    if that was taken with your mobile phone it’s very good quality