The temporary sculpture I mentioned in my last Blog post is part of the Sotheby’s ‘Beyond Limits’ exhibition at Chatsworth.  The exhibition is a display of modern sculpture  set against the backdrop of Chatsworth house and estate.  When I visited, the exhibits were in the process of being set up in preparation for the exhibition that starts in September.  The exhibition culminates in an auction of the sculptures.

Now lets get back to the sculpture that was displayed in the Cascade.

I am not sure what it represents or who the artist is, I couldn’t locate a board with any info.  What I can say is I found the sculpture fascinating but rather disturbing, but I will let you decide for yourself…

Mass Scream

Can You Hear Me Scream?


8 Comments CherryPie on Aug 22nd 2010

8 Responses to “Chatsworth – Beyond Limits”

  1. jane says:

    Very interesting sculpture, it is a bit disturbing as you said. Great pics of Chatsworth, nice you had a sunny day.

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank you :-) we really enjoyed the day although I could have done with more time there. There is still so much I want to see. I have some pictures of a few of the other sculptures in the exhibition too, so watch this space.

  2. JD says:

    I take it you will not be bidding when they are auctioned?
    The Tate will buy them, they are suckers for trendy tripe

    • CherryPie says:

      Even if I wanted to I am guessing I couldn’t afford them ;-)

      Just imagine opening up your curtains and seeing that first thing in the morning or even worse coming across them in the dark LOL

  3. Marcie says:

    Yes..I have to agree with you. Fascinating..intriguing..and also disturbing. Why the hands over the ears..I wonder?? Excellent capture!