The 6th Duke collected sculptures, which were modern art at the time he collected them. Last year all his sculptures were returned from their various resting places around Chatsworth and placed back in their original positions within his commissioned top-lit sculpture gallery.

He was a compulsive collector of sculptures and during his visits to Italy he met some of the best artists of the time and befriended the famous sculptor Antonio Canova. These two lions are copies of sculptures that Canova had made for the tomb of Pope Clement XIII at St peter’s in Rome. Unusually Canova carved his own sculptures rather than employing teams of other carvers to work on the stone. *

Sleeping Lion

The Lion Awakes

*Information taken from Chatsworth guidebook 2010

8 Comments CherryPie on Sep 1st 2010

8 Responses to “Chatsworth – The Lion Sculptures”

  1. Ellee says:

    They are amazing sculptors.

  2. Helen says:

    Yes they were there when we visited and they are very imposing. I’m glad they have been placed there where everyone can get a good look.

  3. Marcie says:

    The detail on the faces of these sculpted lions is just terrific!!!

  4. Janice says:

    Oh to have that kind of talent. Fantastic sculptures.