
I really wanted to post a photograph of the sun but I seem to have shared them all with you already. Candles do however fit the theme as well and I know I haven’t posted this photo before.

Candle Light

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

23 Comments CherryPie on Sep 3rd 2010

23 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Hot”

  1. jmb says:

    i know that I have posted my photo for today before but not for PH. Anyway this one you found for us is lovely and fits the bill.

    Happy weekend to you Cherie.

    • CherryPie says:

      Thanks :-)

      I do sometimes re-post my photos, but at the moment I have a bit of a backlog of photos that I haven’t used yet.

      Happy weekend to you too.

  2. Ewok says:

    Pretty neat take on the theme. What’s up with the Golden Gate Bridge seating card?

    Enjoy the weekend.

    • CherryPie says:

      Each table had a card with one of the sites from the honeymoon destination. The names were used on the seating plan so everyone could find which table they were at :-)

  3. YTSL says:

    Pretty to look at… and useful too? (I’m wondering: is that big candle concoction in the middle supposed to be part of an anti-insect incense contraption?)

  4. MTG says:

    An unused candle display is elegant, CP. The mood can be ruined by animal based products when they are lit, producing customary smoke and pungent odours. These candles are probably of soy or beeswax origin and therefore less likely to offend vegetarians and others.

    • CherryPie says:

      I have to rely on others to tell me about the pungent smells of fragrances etc I have not sense of smell whatsoever.

      When I use candles they are usually church candles of varying sizes or tea lights.

  5. Ruth says:

    Lovely pic. I was also intrigued by the “Golden Gate Bridge”?

  6. jan says:

    love the candles…

    my hot is here

    see you!

  7. Janice says:

    A delightful display and definitely suited to the theme.

  8. I love that display but then I love candles. If it were up to me then the living room would be lit by banks of church candles!

  9. Annie says:

    It really looks like something out of a magazine. So lovely. I’d love to go to that party!

  10. Marta says:

    Very different candle arrangement. It looks like it was a fun event to attend.

  11. anonomous says:

    Cherrie, sorry for this. I have chosen a post that seems to have taken all the likely comments.

    O/T, O/T.

    Some time ago James was talking about Tesla. The abondoning of Tesla’s work has been the subject of speculation. The evolution of mankind appeared to take a backwards step…speculation featured the dangers of the technology, and there it seemed to rest.

    Here is an article about such. “Missing Utopia”

    I was going through some old data. Here is a section of a long interview.

    Okay. Back with you. Benjamin Fulford, live from Tokyo, is with us. Pretty stunning material. All right, Ben, you had a personal story you wanted to share. Go ahead.

    FULFORD: My great grandfather was G.T. Fulford. He was one of the richest men in the world – George Taylor Fulford. You can find him on Wikipedia. He was one of the richest men on Earth, and he was the largest single shareholder in General Electric.

    He was going to finance Nikola Tesla, but he was murdered by the Rockefellers in 1905. It was made to look like a car accident.

    RENSE: Your grandfather.

    FULFORD: Great grandfather.

    RENSE: Great grandfather. So really! Wow.

    FULFORD: And the family fortune was stolen. My grandfather was only three years old at the time. The family fortune was taken over by the Rockefellers. My grandfather didn’t know how to suspend his assets.

    I am telling the Rockefellers right now, they can think of me as the ghost of G.T. Fulford, come back over a century – from four generations – to get justice.

    RENSE: You speak in a very brave and cavalier way.

    FULFORD: I’ve got good people behind me!

    RENSE: And as I was going to say, you speak as if you are a man with great self-assurance, and you have a lot of friends.

    FULFORD: Absolutely. You have 100,000 assassins backing you up, you don’t have to be a chicken!”

    Thus it was the Rockefellers that sidelined the technology, to protect their own financial interests, and in doing so sidelined our entire scientific development, for over a hundred years.

    Here is the link to the entire interview.

    Actually, the Rockefellers have sidlined many pieces of technology over the years, to the great general detriment of the entire planet.

    There is so much more in the interview, Sars, Swine-flu, etc as deliberate population reduction attempts with a racial theme etc, which all play to James themes and conspiracies.

    Honestly, he gets tied up in so much minute detail of these various themes, when the genesis is so obvious. The interview says it well.

    Sorry to break the ethos of your freehold, but I thought you should know, in simple terms. James babbles and gets too esoteric, and misses the vital bits, the trail to the guilty!


    • CherryPie says:

      Please don’t be sorry (you haven’t broken my ethos), you know your thoughts and information are always welcome here, whichever post you put them on.

      Having read the links, much chimes immediately with what I have come to know and the information fills in the finer detail. Some of this I am sure you know is new to me and I need to think about it and take it in.

      I always like the overview first, it gives me the basis to understand what I have been told and then get into a discussion or explore the information if I need to.

      If I am talking about something serious that is the way I try put my thoughts across too…