He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.

George Herbert


38 Comments CherryPie on Sep 5th 2010

38 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Sean Jeating says:

    … in other words: He who is sitting in the glass house should not throw stones at the bridge … or rather? … Non! Sense!
    Great photo, CherryPie. Brügge is impressive, hm? Not only at night.

    • CherryPie says:

      September 5, 2010 at 11:52 pm (Edit)

      People in glass houses should never throw bricks… But I am thinking that some people don’t realise they live in a glass house…

      I love Brugge/Bruges, the place crept into my soul when I visited. Later this year, during my next visit hope to get some more photos.

      And so wishing you the Peace of the night xx

  2. Claudia says:

    What a lovely scene! Actually, you forgive to liberate yourself from the burden of carrying in your memory the offending words or actions. To forgive is to be kind to yourself.

  3. MTG says:

    I love Bruges and its architecture but it is worth a visit solely for the break from UK street litter and dog mess.

  4. Ginnie says:

    The second this opened up, Cherie, I said “BRUGES!” What a place. Great reminder of its beauty. thank you.

  5. jameshigham says:

    Burning bridges is not a recommended activity for anyone.

  6. -eve- says:

    I love water reflection scenes. Good quote.

  7. Marcie says:

    What absolutely stunning light!! Beautiful image!!

  8. Chuckles says:

    People who live in glass houses shouldn’t.

    Nice pic Cherie

  9. Janice says:

    Oh my that is a beautiful photo Cherie.
    Sometimes forgiving oneself first allows forgiveness of others. In either case compassion is a necessary ingredient.

  10. anonomous says:

    Cherie, Kind words, thank you.

    Three days into his Presidency, Reagan startled the Secret Service by walking out of the White House front door and down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Treasury Building to have an impromptu lunch with then Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker. Almost immediately Reagan stunned Volcker by saying “I’ve had several letters from people who raise the question of WHY we need the Federal Reserve at all. They seem to feel that it is the Fed that causes much of our monetary problems and we would be better off if we abolish it.”
    Two months later Reagan narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by John Hinkley, Jr.
    Hinkley had many Bush family connections!
    In September Public Law 96-389 was passed to establish the Gold Commission. Reagan seemed to be at war with the banking cabal much like Kennedy was.
    On June 4, 1963 President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Kennedy’s order gave the Treasury the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. This single order would have destroyed the vice grip the banks have on the US monetary system and lead us back onto the road to prosperity with sound money.
    Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, and in July 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson reversed Kennedy’s monetary vision by removing all silver from the coinage of the United States.
    When Nixon removed any US dollar gold backing in 1971 the game was on to totally devalue the US Dollar.

    The Gold Commission, established by Reagan produced a report, released in March, 1982.
    Although constituted primarily of bankers, the Commission notably included Ron Paul.
    The conclusion is on page 21, and reads :-

  11. anonomous says:

    Continued :-

    “In presenting our report, we are conscious of the complexity of an attempt to define what the role of gold should be in the domestic and international monetary systems.
    The majority of us at this time favor essentially no change in the present role of gold. Yet, we are not prepared to rule out that an enlarged role for gold may emerge at some future date. If reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead, we believe that those who advocate an immediate return to gold will grow in numbers and political influence. If there is success in restoring price stability and confidence in our currency, tighter linkage of our monetary system to gold may well become supererogatory.
    The minority of us who regard gold as the only real money the world has ever known have placed our views on record: the only way price stability can be restored here (indeed, in the world) is by making the dollar (and other national currencies) convertible into gold. Linking money to gold domestically and internationally will solve the problem of inflation, high interest rates, and budget deficits.
    We have made no attempt to conceal the divisions among us. In that respect, our views probably represent the range of opinions held by the country at large. We hope, nevertheless, that our report will make a contribution to public understanding of the important issues involved. In that event, the time we have devoted to preparatory study before our meetings and to the deliberations themselves will have been well spent.”

    Basically, they decided to make no changes unless “…reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency are not restored in the years ahead..”. One would think that after this report’s conclusion the US government would reign in spending to maintain “reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency” BUT THEY DID EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!
    The 1980’s ushered in “Reaganomics”, “Star Wars Defence Programs”, Keynesian Economics and the FED’s perpetual lowering of interest rates to solve all problems. As such, spending went through the roof and has continued unabated for 30 years to land us in the mess we find ourselves in today!

    The ***footnote from Mr. Costamagna at the bottom of page 21 recommended that within 3-5 years a new Gold Commission should be appointed. This never happened but it exactly corresponded with the 1986 introduction of the Gold and Silver American Eagle Coinage Program, (Barney Frank was a Member of the Committee on American Eagle Coin Act of 1982 ) as well as the appointment of Alan Greenspan as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

  12. anonomous says:

    Final Continued :-

    Greenspan was a disciple of Ayn Rand, and consequently was a devout “Gold Bug”, giving many “Pro Gold” speeches, and writing similar articles. It was Reagan that originally appointed Alan Greenspan, the world’s most outspoken gold bug, as head of the Federal Reserve Bank in June 1987.

    Since that time financial hell has been unleashed, plunging the entire planet, almost, into a debt driven financial hell-hole, a liquidity crisis morphing into a sovereign crisis that has yet to peak.
    During that period Greenspan was the outstanding cheer-leader for the Wall Street Cabal, resisting all efforts to control OTC derivatives, and campaigning heavily for the removal of Glass Steagall legislation, and the diluting of reserve requirements, thereby increasing systemic leverage limits.

    Reagan and Greenspan were pro-Gold at the outset…What changed?

    Did they fear for their lives?
    Did they fear the power of the banking Cabal, and the willingness of Cabal members to do anything to preserve that power, – - “Anything”?

    During the following years, the power and the membership of the Cabal expanded enormously, and formed relationships with a wide array of fellow criminals….National leaders, International Statesmen, drug dealers, arms dealers, black ops players from many nations, – the list goes on. The single uniting characteristic of these strange bed-fellows, beyond their blatant criminality and greed, was the veneer of respectability that the the MSM, which they owned, poured upon them.

    And then it all came to a head.

    The following link is to a “Scribd” article. It is long, so give it time to load. When opened, at the bottom is a dark area containing an enlarge icon so that it may be read. Or you can download to hard drive.


    It will take you some time to digest the contents, and probably a few reads. (I’m still reading) …It opens up so many additional avenues for research. I find it interesting, but I have to limit the time spent. A story of Greed, Power, Murder, Rape of Nations, International Plundering of Nations, Covering of Records of Criminality….all and any actions required….”Anything!”

    We live in historical times. The world we know is crashing. There will be a massive effort, hopefully coordinated internationally to ease the coming transitions, re-alignments. Many articles will be written in the future, relating, analysing, researching, etc, these times. Many, probably nearly all, will be politically bent. Parties will learn differing lessons, according to their agenda.
    And the embedded hatred towards the historical aggressors, now extensively weakened, may well be unleashed.

  13. anonomous says:

    Hope that lot gets through ok!

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes they all got through safely :-)

      I shall have a good read of it all later.

    • CherryPie says:

      I have got as far as the final link which my laptop is struggling with, I will get back onto that tomorrow.

    • CherryPie says:

      I see what you mean, there is a lot to read.

      • anonomous says:

        Cherie, if you see Sean looking around, could you please pass on my comment (below) to him.

        Many thanks.

      • anonomous says:

        Yes, there is a lot to read.

        Hope it is not too much.

        Just to add a ittle context… :-)


        BTW, you will read about Robert Maxwell in the scibd thingy.

        He was Mossad.

        The person the UK Gov’t appointed to sort out the Maxwell pension scandal was subsequently made Lord Cuckney.

        He started his visible career at Midland Bank, but was always British security services. At Midland he directed “strategic investments” From Midland he went to 3i, a gov’t sponsored investment vehicle.

        During the Supergun affair, Gerald Bull, Matrix Churchill, Astra Fireworks, Arms to Iraq/Iran, etc, etc, he was the Security services handler of ex SAS enforcer Stephan Kock, who as a result of various pressures was made a director of Astra Fireworks in 1986. Kock’s real identity was unknown by the other directors..he acted to provide private company information to the UK security services. (Astra Fireworks were responsible for developing ammunition for the Bull Supergun, specifically propulsion systems)

        Cuckneys appointment to revue Maxwells dealings and pension mess was entirely appropriate, given Maxwells links to Mossad, and Cuckneys history with the UK security services.

        The Tabled version of a question to the Prime Minister of 16th April, 1993.
        Mr Allan Rogers to ask the Prime Minister…what the official duties of Mr Stephan Aldolphus Kock have been since 1980

        The Hansard version of the question
        Mr Rogers: To ask the Prime Minister what the official duties of Mr Stephan Adolphus Kock have been since 1990
        The Prime Minister. NONE

        Easy, isn’t it!!!!!!!!!

        Details of the above, and far more, are in
        “In the Public Interest”, by Gerald James.
        “Spiders Web”, by Alan Friedman.
        A Sorry time in UK politics, although you could argue we were following an agenda set out by the US, detailed in Langley, Virginia, when Bush senior headed the CIA, that constituted part of “The Great Game”, also involved was BCCI and a whole lot of other crud that remain unmentioned for now.

        Personally, it makes me puke.

        • CherryPie says:

          No it isn’t too much to read but as you said it may take a while :-)

          With the PCS campaigning we do, nothing much surprises us any more. Disgusts but maybe but no real surprises.

  14. Chrissy says:

    What a very beautiful photo :-)

  15. Sean Jeating says:

    Oh, within the two millennia I am orbiting the sun I was always longing for a genius to come and explain all the cabals. And never s/he did.
    Lucky you, CherryPie. :)

    • CherryPie says:

      Some cabals are particularly interesting right now. It brings to mind the Chinese proverb ‘may we live in interesting times’.

    • anonomous says:

      Greetings, Sean Jeating.

      Mostly cabals can better be approached via a financial angle, since finance/wealth is mostly the basic motivating factor. (Follow the Money)

      If you want a slightly different method..

      “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, by John Perkins, is a very good read, and available for next to nothing from Amazon.

      It explains his recruitment, the companies involved and their links to covert agencies, his training, and deployment in the field. The field is global.
      Nations are raped, national leaders murdered for non-compliance.

      The most important message from this book, although it was written before the current economic mess, is that methods used to bring down, and rape nations, are identical to the methods used to bring about the current mess….just the size varies….you begin to realise that the current target is us! Everything is planned!
